- To shnauz or the act of shnauzing is when one makes a comparison between two or more things that share obvious common qualities or features.
- Once a shnauz is confirmed by someone other than the one who was shnauzing the comparison can be deemed a shnauz.
- A shnauz can be visual or auditory.
- A person whom often makes a shnauz.
• Examples-
- The Shnauz
This is a picture of a spot on my wall where paint was torn off.
When looking at the picture it struck me that it looked like the silhouette of a schnauzer dog.
Ever since then the art of shnauzing and the pride of making a shnauz has kept my mind sharp.
- Obama
Urkel plus the Mad Magazine Guy equals Obama.
Josh, Creative, Cleaver, Ingenious and Shnauseziffic !!